Eggimo Empire

Even Eggs Evolve

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The Gardener loves flowers! One day, he decides to plant some at his own backyard. First, he soften the soil so as to help the roots to grow deep into the ground. Later, he planted flower seeds on the softened soil and watered them.

Day after day, the Gardener made sure the little sprouts had just the right amount of water and lots of sunlight. During rainy days, he would wear a raincoat and an umbrella and sit outside with the flowers . He would shield them from the heavy rain water that may crash the tiny flowers and the strong wind that may snap their tiny steam. He made sure that every single flower will bloom and spread their seeds.

On the day of the flower's blooming, he combed back his hair, wore his best shirt and pants, put on perfume and waited. Without taking his eyes off the flowers, he watched as they start to spread out their pedals so beautifully and danced in the sun. But for a flower, they whithers shortly after they are done blooming and spreading their seeds in the wind.

The Gardener plucked the flowers from the soil and placed them in the freezer where they will remain forever so pretty, away from heavy rain water and strong winds, not needing to worry about sunlight and water anymore.


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